Eco Global Solutions, Inc., (EGS) was founded on the principles that quality products and strong technical expertise are necessary to achieve our mission. Our founders and principals are forward thinking with a global focus on pioneering practices to save energy and reduce emissions. EGS has also developed oil-based and water-based drilling fluid additives designed to enhance drilling fluid properties for worldwide drilling applications. The key benefits are to save energy during drilling operations under extreme pressures and temperatures, as well as to increase efficiency and reduce overall costs.
Our fuel supplement consists of EGS BOOST and EGS BOOST R-3000, which are designed to save fuel and to alleviate the levels of harmful emissions from combustion engines running on gasoline, diesel, and heavy fuel. These two products have been widely used in the sectors of transportation, marine, industrial manufacturing, construction, and agriculture.
EGS has developed Aqueous (EGS DFL-A) and Non-Aqueous (EGS DFL-NA) enhancers to improve drilling fluid properties for traditional, inland and offshore drilling operations, including directional and horizontal drilling for shale oil and gas. EGS DFLs are formulated to allow drilling under extreme pressure and temperature (HPHT) conditions, and are capable of maintaining high drilling fluid lubricity as measured by reduced torque and drag, as well as reduced casing and drill string wear.
Performance Features:
- Reduce drilling friction by up to 85%
- Reduce toque & drag by up to 80%
- Reduce ECD’s by up to 65%
- Reduce standpipe pressure by up to 50%
- Increase ROP by up to 300%
- Non- hazardous and non-toxic
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