GEO Inc. is a certified women-owned small business, and a global leader in the design, construction, installation, and operation of environmental remediation technologies. GEO is uniquely positioned to provide custom, one-off, remediation solutions which include its patented or trademarked GTR-TCH and C3 Technologies. GEO is supported by over 40 engineering professionals and remediation technicians based in Maine, New Jersey, Washington, and California. Since its inception in 1989, GEO has continuously provided some of the most advanced remedial solutions to its clients. In the process, the GEO team has recovered well over 10,000,000 pounds of volatile and semi-volatile organic contaminants from approximately 1,200,000 yd3 of impacted subsurface at its 100+ project sites throughout North America, Asia, Europe, Australia, and Africa.
Remediation and treatment system technologies offered exclusively by GEO provide cost effective, scalable, and environmentally conscious alternatives to comparable, antiquated, and costly options that make-up the current marketplace’s technology offerings.
GEO’s offerings of in situ or ex situ thermal remediation technologies, extraction and above ground treatment systems, as well as cutting-edge combined remediation systems are unparalleled in the industry. With more than 30 years of relevant experience, GEO has completed over 100 projects in 20+ countries and throughout 5 continents, including over 40 different thermal remediation projects including some of the largest and most complicated thermal remediation projects ever successfully implemented. GEO offers one of the largest technical support networks of any practitioner and a proven record of success backed by unbiased ingenuity. Together our team affords a combined 33 years in innovative solutions to the remediation industry toughest problems. This proven record of success is why major consulting firms, government agencies, corporations, and property owners choose to utilize our technologies and services.
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