LightFuel is a privately-held C-corporation incorporated in Delaware, U.S. developing green solar hydrogen technology and products. We are currently supplying solar hydrogen to the Sun-toX Consortium in the EU, that is coordinated by Toyota, and includes partners such as ENGIE, EPFL, CEA, and DIFFER. We hold patents and trademarks in China.
LightFuel’s photo-anode leverages sunlight to reduce the electrical power needed by the hybrid electrolyzer to split hydrogen from water to as low as 1/3 (sunlight-dependent) of that required by non-solar electrolyzers. For FCEV hydrogen vehicles, LightFuel panels can supply scalable distributed on-site hydrogen at less than USD $2/kg @ $0.10/kWh grid electricity with 1/3 the carbon, or Zero carbon with 1/3 the renewable electricity. LightFuel panels provides nearly loss-less: over 90% Round-Trip (R-T) Efficiency when coupled with a fuel cell @ 60% efficiency. Intermittent photovoltaic (PV), wind, and grid electricity is stored as hydrogenPower-to-Gas (P2G)for stable on-demand supply. LightFuel reduces the cost to store and time-shift electrical power to $0.08/kWh USD. Lightfuel can also generate green hydrogen for glass annealing, heat for low-carbon steel production, and other industrial processes.
Visit the company’s website.